Anti-harassment Policy

The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) is committed to creating a safe, productive, and inclusive environment for all participants and will not tolerate any type of harassment of workshop participants or others associated with the conference.  In this context, harassment includes but is not limited to gossiping, slurs, offensive or derogatory comments about race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, intimidation, bullying, and sexual harassment including “unwelcome sexual advances”, “requests for sexual favors”, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.  ISCAS participants who feel they are being harassed in any way by participants, organizers, or support staff should make it clear to the offending individual(s) that such behavior is offensive and unwelcome.  Any participant who believes he or she has been subjected to harassment can report the matter to either of the ISCAS general co-chairs or to either of the ISCAS technical program co-chairs for appropriate action.